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What children’s quests can you come up with for the holiday?

If you want to please the children with something and entertain them a little, then you need to come up with something very interesting for them: for example, you can order quests for a children’s holiday.

And you can also try to arrange similar quests on your own. Many children, by the way, will like to look for treasures. They can be hidden in some secret place, and on the way to them, boys and girls will have to go through simple but interesting tasks.

These can be some great outdoor games if the weather is good for it. For the proper development of children, movement is necessary, so it is worth taking advantage of the opportunity for active recreation in the fresh air. Movement games form a sense of balance, muscle performance, precision of movements, and dexterity. In addition, in this way, the child will burn the accumulated energy during the day and sleep better at night. This will improve not only sleep but also appetite and general well-being.

The organizers of the quest can develop, for example, twenty tasks, after completing which it will be possible to find the treasure. When half of the competition is completed, you can have a wonderful and cozy picnic with the kids. For this, it will be useful to make a tent. It can even be made from a blanket. It will be nice to eat together, read books or tell each other interesting stories from life.

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Also, in the breaks between tasks, you can offer children to blow soap bubbles. This is great entertainment for children and adults. Such activity can not only lift the mood but also have a good effect on the child’s motor skills.

If there is a sandbox nearby, you can also play in it. It will be very exciting to build different castles together. It will even be possible to choose the winner of such a construction, and then he will be one step closer to finding treasures. Children love to play in the sandbox, and it is easy to spend many creative games in it.

You can simply encourage the child to search for a treasure, like a game of hide and seek, or you can create a whole story. Hide the cards with the following clues, draw clues with chalk, etc.

At some points along the way, children can be offered to get to the next point by bicycle, but if they do not know how to ride, they will have to walk and spend more time to get there.

You can also play hide-and-seek with the little one, but at the same time set such rules so that later you don’t have to worry that someone is really lost. In general, you should plan everything perfectly and make sure that everything is not only interesting for children but also safe.

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